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About the Green Participatory Budgeting

GPB schedule

The implementation process of the Green Participatory Budget consists of the following stages:

  • Project submission

  • Project evaluation

  • Appeals against project disqualification from voting

  • Voting on projects and determining the results

  • Public announcement of voting results

  • Implementation of projects selected through voting

The deadlines for these stages are annually determined by the Mayor of Stalowa Wola in the form of a schedule, which is announced at least 7 calendar days before the start of the first stage, by publishing the schedule at least on:

The schedule for the activities related to the selection of projects for implementation in 2025 under the Green Participatory Budget is as follows:

Project Submission and Informational Activities

  • September 5, 2024 – Announcement of the schedule for activities and the start of informational and educational activities.

  • September 12, 2024 – October 7, 2024 – Project submission period.

  • September 18, 2024 – Workshop: How to Prepare Projects for the Green Participatory Budget?

Project Evaluation

  • October 8, 2024 – November 8, 2024 – Project evaluation and publication of the list of projects after evaluation.

Appeals Against Project Disqualification from Voting

  • Within 7 days from the date of publication of the list of projects after evaluation – Appeals against project disqualification from voting.

  • Within 10 days from the date of filing the appeal – Review of submitted appeals and notification of the project author about the outcome of the appeal.

  • By November 26, 2024 – Publication of the final list of projects that will be subject to voting.

Voting on Projects and Determining Results

  • For 10 days from the date of publication of the list of projects for voting – Voting by residents on projects.

Public Announcement of Voting Results

  • Within 5 days from the end of voting – Determination of voting results and public announcement.

Implementation of Projects Selected Through Voting

  • 2025 – Implementation of projects selected through voting.

NOTE – Project authors have the option to withdraw their project up to the day before the start of voting.


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